Monday, May 31, 2010

Shop For Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog (Smashing Magazine Book Series)

Over All Rating Reviews :
I have to agree with everyone that this isn't a beginner Wordpress book. For you to utilize this book you have to be past the beginner stages. If you don't know how to post, install plugins, add tags and understand categories walk away from this book.
For me this book is great; I have a solid understanding of HTML and CSS, this book has taken me to another level of understanding Wordpress.

There is an excellent section on the Gallery and has given me some great ideas
As many others have said; if you're a mid - senior level user this book will be great for you.
Get more detail about Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog (Smashing Magazine Book Series).

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Discount Mothering Magazine's Having a Baby, Naturally: The Mothering Magazine Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth

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This book was recommended to me by a friend who had a baby a year ago. As it's my first pregnancy, i found this book to be so helpful along the way. I love that it's broken down my trimester. It provides so much information from what questions to ask to what the medical studies really say about the safety and neccessity of various treatments. I also enjoy the yoga and fitness components in the book as well as the aromotherapy and body oil suggestions. It's definately a great book for those expecting who want to know all the facts to make a decision about how natural they'd like to make their birthing experience. I'm going to see my doctor today and can't wait to get a bunch of questions answered!
Get more detail about Mothering Magazine's Having a Baby, Naturally: The Mothering Magazine Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Great deals Projects for the Birder's Garden: Over 100 Easy Things That You can Make to Turn Your Yard and Garden into a Bird-Friendly Haven

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I'm a major bird lover and I have bird feeders set up around my house that have been successful to varying degrees. However, I decided this spring to turn a simple interest in birds to an all out hobby, and turn my simple yard with modest bird feeders into a practical reserve for birds of all sorts. While I'd classify myself as somewhat knowledgeable as to what birds like and need, I'm by no means an expert. So I started out on looking for a book that was simple enough for me to understand, but not so basic I'd be bored. And since money is a big factor, I wanted to find a book that suggested money-friendly ideas that were practical, not overblown ideas that were a major investment. This book fills that niche perfectly.

This book contains activities, projects, and tips that are easy to understand and extremely well written. There are activities in this book that are exceedingly simple (yet unbelievably effective) and other projects that are slightly more complex, but not so daunting that you are in danger of being overwhelmed. In fact, while this book is written for adults, I can't think of an activity in it that isn't something you could do with your children... Some activities I think your children could do quite well by themselves! This book is completely comprehensive, with a really good and equal spread of activities and ideas (meaning you won't pick up this book and find 100 different plans for birdhouses) in areas like bird feeders, houses, feeding stations, bird environments, planting for birds, bird food, water features for birds, to name a few. There are a good, solid number of activities varying from the typical birdhouse or bird feeder, to exotic feeding stations, nesting havens, or bird-friendly garden plans that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but a joy for birds of all sorts. One of the things I like best about this book is that not only do they give the "how to" of a project or activity, but the "why," such as what birds you'll attract, why you'll attract them, why it's appealing to birds, and how you can vary the project to exclude certain pests but include other birdfeeder favorites.

Another part of this book I like is how it talks about specific birds and bird types, behaviors that are typical, when to look for them, how to attract them, and what features, trees, or plants they respond to the most (or likewise, don't respond to at all or flee from). This book also tackles the touchy areas, like how to encourage birds but discourage pest birds and chase off predators, like cats. I also enjoy the illustrations, which are featured throughout the book. Simple and clear, easy to understand, without managing to be diagrams that have no visual appeal to them. And the section at the end of the book, "Resources for Backyard Birders and Gardeners" is unbeatable.

But do the suggestions work?? Well, I'm happy to report that, after implementing a few of the very, very basic tricks and tips, I've seen my feeder traffic increase dramatically. And I've only done the really, really, really basic stuff. I can't wait to see the success that comes with some of the other brilliant ideas offered in this book!!

It should be said this is not a bird identification book, and it assumes that the reader has a basic knowledge of birds and that can identify some of the more common birds, like Chickadees, Titmice, Nuthatches, Sparrows, Blue Jays, Starlings, Grackles, Woodpeckers, Goldfinches... If you have trouble, you might want to pick up a bird identification book to go along with this one... Actually, you might want to have one on hand regardless, so you can identify and track some of the new visitors to the feeder.

Overall, I love this book and I really can't think of any flaws to it. Whenever I read it, I fell like I'm reading the personal journal or diary of an expert bird lover, somebody who not only knows their stuff, but actually gets a lot of pleasure out of what they're writing about, which is completely refreshing. But considering this book is edited by the editors at Yankee Magazine, can I say I'm surprised the book is as good as it is? :)

One tip that isn't mentioned in the book, though I wish it was, is the wonderful resource the Arbor Day Foundation is. They have trees, healthy, good sized, trees and bushes of all varieties, sorted by your plant hardiness zone, all sold at cost. Where else can you buy 50 trees and bushes for under $40? If you plan on using some of the planting and tree tips and tricks in this book, save yourself an unbelievable amount of money and donate to a great cause... Check out the Arbor Day Foundation.
Get more detail about Projects for the Birder's Garden: Over 100 Easy Things That You can Make to Turn Your Yard and Garden into a Bird-Friendly Haven.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

PLAYBOY Magazine January 1965 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR interview

±1±: Now is the time PLAYBOY Magazine January 1965 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR interview Order Today!

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May 24, 2010 20:00:25
Martin Luther King intreview, Shel Silverstien, Sally Duberson

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Shop For Publish Your Own Magazine, Guide Book, or Weekly Newspaper: How to Start, Manage, and Profit from a Homebased Publishing Company (Culture Too

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Excellent information provided. This guy starts from the beginning and literally walks the reader through publishing from A-Z. Highly recommended.
Get more detail about Publish Your Own Magazine, Guide Book, or Weekly Newspaper: How to Start, Manage, and Profit from a Homebased Publishing Company (Culture Tools).

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Prevention Fiber Up Slim Down Cookbook: A Four-Week Plan to Cut Cravings and Lose Weight

±1±: Now is the time Prevention Fiber Up Slim Down Cookbook: A Four-Week Plan to Cut Cravings and Lose Weight Order Today!

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Date Created :
May 21, 2010 19:00:45
While common dieting wisdom suggests that those who need to lose weight must be eating too much, the newest discoveries in weight loss science now reveal that what’s not being eaten can hinder weight reduction. Fiber is turning out to be the silver bullet of dieting—because it can fill you up on fewer calories, dampen cravings for fattening foods, and dramatically improve your overall health.

Consuming the right amount of dietary fiber can have profound health benefits. It can cut the risk of heart disease by 30 percent; lower cholesterol by as much as 13 points; decrease inflammation; drop blood pressure; balance blood sugar; improve memory; reduce the risk for breast, colon, and endometrial cancer; and boost the immune system. Unfortunately, ramping up fiber levels too quickly can also cause digestive distress. With an easy-to follow, 4 week plan, Prevention’s Fiber Up Slim Down Cookbook shows how to switch over to high-fiber living without experiencing excessive gas or uncomfortable bloating.

Of course, for any weight-loss plan to work, the food must be fabulous. Prevention’s Fiber Up Slim Down Cookbook is packed with more than 200 delicious, fiber-rich recipes that work with any fiber-rich diet plan including home-style dishes like Roasted Sweet and Russet Potato Salad and Mom’s Turkey Meatloaf, tasty new favorites like Curried Beef with Pineapple and Coconut, and sweet treats like Ginger–Sweet Potato Cheesecake and Pumpkin Fruitcake.

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±1±: Best Buy Dietitian technician, as I heartily recommend this book. Fiber is introduced into their diet to take a very good step.

I have and I enjoyed many of the recipes in this book has lost weight with exercise and sensible diet programs yet.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Save Starting & Running a Successful Newsletter or Magazine

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I did not find this book to be very useful. For one thing, it seems to assume that if you're going to publish a magaine you had better have a lot of money. I didn't have a lot of money, so this book started out by making me feel like I ought to throw my idea away. Second, it has a lot of information about management (how to make business decisions, budgeting, strategy, subscribers are a leaking bucket, blah blah) but I was already past that. I just wanted to know how to get started. Nothing truly practical here. If you're just thinking about starting a magazine, this book gives a decent overview of how to think about and plan your idea. If you're already in the process of putting together your magazine, you need something different. I recommend "How Not to Start a Magazine" by B. Ann Bell.
Get more detail about Starting & Running a Successful Newsletter or Magazine.

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In yet another clip from VIBE Magazine's candid interview with 2Pac from 1996, the musical icon discusses leaving the streets, falling in love and Bill Clinton.

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Monday, May 17, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

Edyta Gorniak - Stop (LIVE)

Edyta Górniak is one of the most popular female singers in history of Polish pop music. Edyta is being hailed as the next big international female singer. Described as Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey and Celine Dion all rolled into one, the singer has already had huge successes outside Poland in countries such as Japan, Norway, Switzerland, Portugal and South Africa. In 1994 Edyta was the first Polish artist to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest 1994, in which she claimed a highly creditable second place, which still stands as Poland's best showing in the contest. Her song was "To nie ja" ("That's Not Me"), which was also released in English as "Once in a lifetime". "To nie ja" proved to be her breakthrough in Poland, becoming there the biggest hit of the year 1994. Her first studio album "The Touch" released year later has moved half-million units only in Poland, bringing eponymous hit "Dotyk". In 1996 she signed a contract in London with EMI International for recording of five albums. Edyta released her first English album "Edyta Gorniak" a year later, in association with the producer Chris Neil, responsible for international success of Celine Dion. Success of singles "When You Come Back To Me" and "One & One" let the album to make an impact with sales of half-million units. In 2002 she was signed to Virgin Germany. In 2003 album "Invisible" had international premiere. It was produced by team Absolute responsible for success of Spice Girls and containing club hit ...

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Fake Magazine Covers Me Picture juaj

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Pse të mos shtoni shumë efekte vizuale për dhuratat tuaja, a jeni gati për këtë, kështu që ju mund ta bëjë këtë, duke krijuar një mbulesë profesional personalizuar revista me fotot e zgjedhjes suaj. Të gjitha gjërat mund të jenë të përshtaten me nevojat tuaja dhe të kërkoni tuaj të preferuar.

Cilat janë raste kjo ide do të ishte e mirë për të? Më besoni, në të gjitha rastet mund të jetë më mirë me këtë ide. Gjitha rastet si Ditëlindjet, dita e Atit, ditën e Nënës, dita e Diplomimit, festat dhe të gjitha ngjarjet e veçanta. Dërgo një dhuratë të veçantë për tëlover tuaj dhe e bëjnë të thonë WOW.

Ju gjithashtu mund të krijojnë një revistë të personalizuar të mbulojë për veten tuaj për të regjistruar një ngjarje të veçantë ose momente në një festë të veçantë. Ka me qindra e ideve që ju mund të përdorni kur keni vendosur për të krijuar një të mbuluar personalizuar revistë.

Si mund të projektimit të personalizuar të mbuluar e mia revistës? Ju mund të urdhërojë një dizajn profesional nga një shërbim online, faqet e internetit nuk janë shumë të mira që ju lejon të zgjidhni fotot tuaja personale, përmbajtjen dhe design. Dhe ata do të dërgojë tuajrevistë personale në një letër me shkëlqim të rënda.

Pra, në qoftë se ju dëshironi të dërgoni një unike dhe një dhuratë kaq të ftohtë, për lover tuaj, ju mund të krijoni këtë dhuratë të veçantë që do të jetë mirë në të gjitha rastet. Nëse dëshironi të regjistroni një ngjarje të veçantë për veten tuaj, ju mund të regjistroni atë në revistën tuaj personale që përfshin foto juaj kryesor në para dhe fotot e tjera në pjesën e prapme të mbuluar. Unë nuk e di dhurata te mira si ky, kështu që gëzojnë dërguar këtë.

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Cheap Mothering Magazine's Having a Baby, Naturally: The Mothering Magazine Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth

Over All Rating Reviews :
This was the first book I bought for my first pregnancy, and I was disappointed that it did not cover many details about pregnancy that a new mom wants to know about. Each trimester is just one short chapter. It seems to be more focussed on the family after the birth. Suggesting eating raw eggs took me back a bit too. Spend your money on Ina May's Guide to Childbirth instead. This book just wasn't that helpful to me.
Get more detail about Mothering Magazine's Having a Baby, Naturally: The Mothering Magazine Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth.

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Promotion Vice Dos and Don'ts: 10 Years of VICE Magazine's Street Fashion Critiques

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Do not, I repeat DO NOT read this book on the train. I tried it and was laughing so hard everyone on the train was staring at me. This book is too funny to be brought out in public. I almost peed myself. Keep this book indoors where it belongs. It is the funniest thing I have ever read in my life.
Get more detail about Vice Dos and Don'ts: 10 Years of VICE Magazine's Street Fashion Critiques.

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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bust or Bail: Thrasher Magazine's Big Trick Contest

Bernal Heights hosted another epic Thrasher event. Ryan Sheckler won, but Andrew Reynolds, Moose, Chad Fernandez, Justin Figueroa, Grant Patterson, and a 13 year old girl, Leticia Bufoni charged it.

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Where To Buy Triathlete Magazine's Essential Week-by-Week Training Guide: Plans, Scheduling Tips, and Workout Goals for Triathletes of All Levels

Over All Rating Reviews :
I followed Level 6 in the IM distance for my first Ironman. The plan is well thought out, giving you one rest week in every four and builds you to peak week gradually, but methodically. Every workout has its purpose .... you're not wasting a moment of training. I won't say I never got tired, but I was never bored. I highly recommend this book to all triathletes!! I finished my first IM at Florida last weekend in 10:40. The plan works!!
Get more detail about Triathlete Magazine's Essential Week-by-Week Training Guide: Plans, Scheduling Tips, and Workout Goals for Triathletes of All Levels.

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Monday, May 3, 2010

Lloje të ndryshme të Revista

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Ide, shkrim, dizajnit dhe fotografisë janë disa faktorë që mund të bëjë një revistë tërheqëse dhe e madhe. Vlerë të një revistë varet shumë nga mënyra e kap jo vetëm sytë, por edhe zemrat e lexuesit. Ju mund të gjeni lloje të ndryshme të revistave si:

revista interes i përgjithshëm:

Ky lloj i revistës është botuar për publikun e gjerë dhe fokusi është ose në një ose më shumë lëndë të ndryshme. Çdo revistë me interes të përgjithshëm është përshtatur për një të veçantëlexues amator. Këto nuk janë kënaqësi vetëm për të lexuar, por edhe të japë informacion për tema ku një njeri të përbashkët do të donte për të lexuar. Përkthyes të pavarur apo shtabet shkruar tregime dhe artikuj dhe shumë fotografi dhe fotografitë janë të përfshira në të. Music, promovimin pikëpamja dhe shitje produkti janë idetë kryesore pas çdo revistat me interes të përgjithshëm.

Revista shkencore:

revista të tilla të përqëndrohet në akademikë. Ju mund të merrni informacion në thellësi më shumë lëndë.format e dhënies së informacionit në një revistë shkencore është serioze dhe në mënyrë të librit tekst njësoj. Ju do të gjeni më të grafikët dhe skema se sa foto. Mësimdhënia dhe dhënien e ndihmës në hulumtimet është qëllimi kryesor i revistave shkencore.

revista sensacionale:

Ju do të gjeni revista sensacionale në një gazetë si format. Ata janë të hollë, por në madhësi të mëdha në krahasim me revistat tjera. revista bujshme janë thënë të lulëzojnë në krijimin enjë trazim. Titujt e çastit janë përdorur për të tërhequr vëmendjen e lexuesve dhe fokusi kryesor është në histori në lidhje me të famshëm ose ndonjë histori të tjera të mrekullueshme. Përkthyes të pavarur apo të stafit të shkruar këto artikuj, të cilat janë zakonisht më piktoreske se historitë që janë të përfshira në revista sensacionale. Këto janë të njohur edhe si tabloidet.

Këto janë disa lloje themelore të revistës që mbulojnë pothuajse çdo lloj të tregimit. Pa marrë parasysh se çfarë lloji i revistës keni lexuar, natyrisht që do të përshtaten në asnjë prejkategoritë e mësipërme. Njohja diçka në lidhje me llojet e revista të ndryshme mund t'ju ndihmojë të gjeni lehtësisht stuff leximit që ju pëlqen. Magazines janë në dispozicion në çdo temë është e mundur, ju mund të mendoni. Nëse ju keni një pasion për makinat ose Bikes, ju mund të gjeni një listë të gjatë të revistave të përshtatura posaçërisht për nevojat e Bikes informacion apo për të dashuruar makinë.

Nëse jeni duke kërkuar për-gojës lotim receta nga chefs njohur botërisht ose këshilla më ujdisje shtëpinë tuaj,tregut është e plotë të gatim dhe design revista të brendshëm. Magazines kanë një raft jetë më të gjatë në krahasim me gazetat. Zakonisht me cilësi të lartë të letrës që përdoren në revista është shumë më mirë se gazetat dhe ju mund ta lexoni atë sa herë që ju pëlqen. Ju mund të duhet të paguajnë më shumë për blerjen e revistave, por këto mund të jetë një shok i madh, kur udhëtojnë me trena dhe autobusë. Ju mund të shikoni për një listë të revistave të botuara në temën tuaj të preferuar, në internet.

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Great deals 101 Workouts for Women: Everything You Need to Get a Lean, Strong and Fit Physique

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I'm a Personal Trainer and I have given this book to many of my female clients as a motivational gift after they have shown perseverence. It is full of great workout ideas and relatively inexpensive. The many different models means everyone can identify with someone..As a trainer it has helped me with exercises when ideas just seem to dry up.
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Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Bomb in Every Issue: How the Short, Unruly Life of Ramparts Magazine Changed America

±1±: Now is the time A Bomb in Every Issue: How the Short, Unruly Life of Ramparts Magazine Changed America Order Today!

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Date Created :
May 02, 2010 23:39:37
What an incredible story Peter Richardson has told! Ramparts magazine turned the Sixties on its head with a high-octane combination of avant-garde satire and gumshoe investigative reporting. A Bomb in Every Issue is an excellent history that shouldn't be ignored. I can't recommend it enough.

A Bomb in Every Issue tells the largely untold story of the wild ride of this hugely influential magazine that achieved countless firsts: it published the first conspiracy theory about JFK's assassination, it was the first to reveal that the CIA had backed the National Student Association during the Cold War, and its article about the use of napalm on Vietnamese children (another first) caused Martin Luther King Jr. to speak out against the war for the first time.

Launched in 1962 as an intellectual Catholic quarterly, within five years Ramparts had become a secular magazine and won a George Polk Award for "its explosive revival of the great muckraking tradition." Deeply committed to the civil rights and antiwar movements, its contributors included Noam Chomsky, César Chávez, Seymour Hersh, Angela Davis, and Susan Sontag. It was in its pages that Che Guevara's diaries and the prison diaries of Eldridge Cleaver (which became Soul on Ice) first appeared. Although by 1975, out of money and time, it had folded for good, Ramparts left an important journalistic legacy, influencing a generation of reporters and editors that is still apparent today.

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±1±: Best Buy The magazines we get today like Time or Newsweek although have a history they are largely mainstream. They give us the usual lo-down on what is going on in the world but not much more. Peter Richardson sheds some light on how it used be done with his book about Ramparts magazine A Bomb in Every Issue: How the Short, Unruly Life of Ramparts Magazine Changed America.

Ramparts was founded by Edward M. Keating in 1962 with a focus on catholic matters. I use the phrase "catholic matters" The walls were approx description of the book may perhaps give you a better idea to implement. This is the American Catholic mature "Forum" that have shaped the sound fairly closely the 2000 years past, "Principles positive those Christian traditions with Greece supporting our civilization" in focus It does not describe himself as hit the. But the magazine before the sharp curve to the left, it was not long, it's radical muckraker, turned on the art of all accountsJournalism on its head, it gave a good hand.

I hear the magazine and its common Uorenhinkuru Scanlans first walls, my major concern was that my Scanlans and get a peak for now, as all problems happily bomb.

So what? Well I realized after reading a book worthy of consideration for contributing to magazines such as walls and Scanlans problem, nonsense style of journalism and the new gutsyPolitical coverage. Guile publication thin on the ground, these days.

Richardson gives a detailed description of the story of life and its most important issues of 13-year-old walls. That I knew a lot about the history of the wall had heard of it, after reading the bomb had been significant progress in journalism that I question how much of the walls, all that some people To report a problem and was buried would be preferred. For example, the first issue that intriguesTheories surrounding the assassination of JFK. Another point of interest was the diary of Che Guevara Publishing Dasa. The Sezaruchabesu, Nomanmeira, boasted a long list of contributors, including Nomuchomusuki and more.

Richardson is expected to enjoy one of the walls as you said to me, and of course Hunter S Thompson Uorenhinkuru connection is, "The Hubble Space Telescope this material is not easily forgotten: the wall Hinkle Pet fantastic place to visit officeI learned my monkey. Madness in Chicago in 1968, fortified wall posters, and his campaign ideas HST de Colorado, "Hubble Space Telescope is small in this material, not a huge selling point (it is also intended.) , but it does not require a lot of other materials is to make this book stand on their own.

The bottom line is this. For those interested in journalism, but it converts a year, you should read this book. It shows us his influenceWall attitude, the approach had spread the news about whether popular. I have no journalistic book, as fans expect to reach any similar future writers. This is sad journalism as the foreground, should be prominent in this day and age will not lead to type. on Sale!

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